Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Love Lost

People get married now for the sake of doing it. They don't understand all the hard work that it take to keep it strong and healthy. Your marriage is like a plant you have to plant the seed in good foundation and give it sun and  water to grow. It's very time consuming but if you put the work in you will get something beautiful out of it.

Is it to much to ask for to want to be touched,
Held and caressed
Is this the new us
Is this really as good as it's suppose to gets
Is this the prize for giving your time 
And commitment
Your hart is thirsting for love
You soul starved for intimacy
"Tell me
When did it become 
Not enough
To just be
You usually don't ask but give it a try 
For this is what Dr. Phil said is the biggest reason why
More and more marriages end in divorce
Because the lack of stepping in and changing the course
So instead of bowing out like a coward and run
Choose to stand up for the change that will come

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