Wednesday, March 24, 2010

BS Girl

Okay I don't want people to think that I male bash I just feel like women are God's gift to men . More then often we get over looked on the job when it's promotion time, and taken for granted in the relationship. Too many times we are the first to come in and the last to leave at the end of the day. We are called in to close the deals and Lord knows we are the glue that holds the family together. I wonder if our successful men who have a wonderful women by their side realize that if we did not do our job in the home or as their support system they could not do their job in the office. I'm a women first before I am a mother, wife, sister or daughter and it hurts me deeply to see women being taken advantage of. So  if you don't remember anything I say remember this BS Girl. This stands for Be Strong, Grow Independent and Respect Love. Be Strong because a woman's strength can over come any obstacles. When you Grow Independent you control your destiny. Always Respect Love  because that can be the last puzzle piece you been  looking for.  Please know that a strong woman is a good woman.

B S  G i r l
 Be Strong, Grow Independent and Respect Love


  1. it sometimes take women a minute to realize their worth. I like this BLOG!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is so true and when you do its like the blinders have been taken off and things just look beautiful. Thanks for reading!


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